Ethiopia is quite unlike anywhere else in Africa and it is definitely suited to someone looking for a cultural tour rather than a safari holiday. The historical north of the country is full of dramatic landscapes and numerous historical sites going back nearly 3,000 years and there is so much information to take in it’s vital to have a great guide with you throughout. ­­­The lines between fact and myth are a constant source of wander and it’s impossible not to be completely awestruck as you delve deeper and deeper into the country’s rich and fascinating past.

The underground rock hewn churches of Lalibela are a popular attraction but there are many other churches, temples, monasteries and castles to be explored in Lake Tana, Gondar and even in the bustling city of Addis Ababa. The artwork that has survived in some of the churches is so rich and colourful and, with the right guide, the priests in some of the remote churches can’t wait to show you their ancient, dog-eared bibles going back centuries; if they were anywhere else in the world you would imagine that they would be untouchable and in a glass box rather than being used every day.  This is very tangible and rewarding history in action.

The Simien Mountains make a stunning addition to the dramatic scenery of the historical north and it brings a bit of variety to a cultural tour. Whilst hiking with your guide you are quite likely to see the gelada monkeys and birds of prey and, whilst there are Ethiopian wolves much higher up into the mountains than the lodges, you are more likely to get a glimpse of them further south in the Bale Mountains.

And those who are looking for more of a rural adventure, under canvas, we can arrange a trip to the very south of the country where the harsh landscape is home to the tribes of the Omo Valley.  Here is where you start to feel the scenery and culture is more familiar with its East African neighbour Kenya and the only way to really explore this area authentically these days is under canvas and with the correct guide.

It truly is a fascinating country with a whole host of different beliefs, religions and tribes and there are some excellent guides to help make the complexities of its history and its contemporary current affairs come to life. However, the accommodation can be extremely basic and sometimes lacking hot water on demand and the local food, outside of cities, can be very limited and repetitive. Whilst the infrastructure in the north is good with domestic flights and road transfers on good roads, the south can get more complicated, especially if you are short on time. It is definitely more of a cultural focus in Ethiopia and if you want some relaxation time at the end then there are good links to the coast of East Africa where you can put your feet up.