Mozambique’s extensive Indian Ocean coastline is some 2,500km long and filled with beaches of white powder sand, bright turquoise ocean and with large stretches of it being completely untouched by tourism. The offshore islands have remained completely unspoilt and there are really only a handful of beautiful barefoot luxury lodges to recommend at this moment in time. You will immediately feel your shoulders relax as you slow your pace down to the laid-back coastal lifestyle and let the wonderful staff look after you.

The Bazaruto archipelago is where to head for and this is best accessed by Johannesburg in South Africa and then it’s an hour and a half flight to Vilanculos on Mozambique’s mainland coast before a short helicopter hop to the islands or a short drive to a couple of mainland options. So, it works really well for a bit of beach downtime after a safari anywhere in southern Africa as Johannesburg is the main hub for flying in and out of for Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia as well as Mozambique.

Mozambique has a very productive and healthy marine habitat with coral reefs teeming with colour and life. The diving, snorkelling and fishing are superb and the untouched areas here are simply beautiful to explore by kayak too. It is raw and untamed Robinson Crusoe heaven with a smattering of luxury lodges and friendly service, maybe not as slick as The Seychelles or The Maldives, but beautifully unspoilt, authentic and raw nature all around.